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My name is Nuttapong Buttprom. I am a BI Developer at True Corporation, a leading telecommunications company, and a Data Visualization Consultant for UN-ESCAP. Additionally, I co-lead the Tableau User Group in Thailand and am passionate about music and data science.

It’s nice to meet you, and here are some of my work and my passion for data science. You can download my workbook(if data is not confidential) for more details on creating it in the bottom right corner of the chart. also can View on GitHub , Enjoy

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Data Science Learning Profile

Chat with My Interactive Portfolio Assistant

Hackathon Achievements

Cloud Ace Hackathon 2024

I am grateful to have been a part of ‘TEAM 21’, which was awarded both the 1st prize and the popular vote at the Cloud Ace Hackathon on June 22, 2024. This event was a wonderful opportunity to explore innovative chatbot solutions using Generative AI on Google Cloud. Our team’s dedication and collaborative spirit were key to our success.

Read more about the event

Our Project

Our project focused on creating a sophisticated chatbot that utilized Generative AI to enhance user interaction and functionality. The project’s success was due to our team’s hard work and innovative approach.

Team 21 Winning Moment

Special thanks to my team members:

We are honored to have received recognition for our efforts.

Our participation and success at the Cloud Ace Hackathon were kindly acknowledged by คลาวด์ เอซ - Cloud Ace Thailand in the following posts:

This recognition means a lot to us, and we appreciate the support from the community.

Guest Speaker

I am honored and grateful that Ms.Siroros Roongdonsai,She is the Tableau Public Ambassador and Leader of Tableau User Group Thailand invited me to Virtual Thailand Tableau User Group : Feb 2021 Event to share my learning experience. And working in the field that I intend to be.

This community is very cute and warm 🤘😆 Besides that, in the clip, I will have knowledge of how to use LOD and how to perform data pipeline on tableau, which is really useful. Thank you very much.

I am proud to have contributed in this project. I still have to practice a lot. Thank you for this opportunity.

ผมภูมิใจที่ได้มีส่วนร่วมในโครงการนี้ ผมยังต้องฝึกฝนอีกมาก ขอขอบคุณสำหรับโอกาสนี้ด้วยครับ

To better understand the impact of COVID-19 across their country, Bangkok Tableau User Group leaders volunteered their data skills to help the Government of Thailand visualize data. Read more about their impactful story on the blog:

ezgif com-gif-maker (1)

Special Thanks:

To better understand the impact of COVID-19 across their country, Bangkok Tableau User Group leaders volunteered their data skills to help the Government of Thailand visualize data. Read more about their impactful story on the blog


I volunteered for the Department of Disease Control. Because I want to help medical personnel to work more comfortably. And hopes that it will help Thai people have access to information quickly, timely, and be better prepared to deal with the disease. *I only contributed 1 dashboard tab “สถานการณ์ผู้เสียชีวิตจากเชื้อ COVID-19 ในประเทศไทย”

Inspiration: Anxiety from seeing the dead increase

Data Source: SAT-MOPH & TABLEAU THAILAND (The raw data used to create this dashboard is not authorized to be disclosed.)


I had the opportunity to work with United Nations ESCAP as a data visualization consultant (Contract). I am very proud to be involved in a work that improves the lives of our fellow humans.

test embed with view url feature of tableau public

Inspiration: United Nation website

Data Source: Voluntary National Survey Response

Real life project

I do these projects to solve problems in my life or to find answers, and sometimes I share them with my fellow humans. And hope it will be useful to others. And of course, it’s also a fun practice and application.

I’ve been trying to learn how to use Streamlit to make our chatbot accessible to others without requiring them to log in. I’ve been searching and watching YouTube videos, then following along, and it has been a successful and enjoyable learning experience. Next, I would like to experiment with the RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) technique to create a bot with more specialized knowledge, hoping to make it useful for sharing with humanity, similar to what I’ve practiced with Tableau Public.

Special thanks to the creator of this YouTube video for their insightful tutorial, which has been immensely helpful:

Made for all fans who cherish the experience of live music.

Inspiration: I want to see them play on stage as easy as posible.

Data Source: There tour date image.

I created this dashboard to track vaccinations, weight and expenses of my beloved cat. And will update new data every day, making it more convenient to take care of.

It would be great if you could comment me on this link

That I will collect, read and improve my work in the future.

And if you like him and want to see him more too. Please follow him on his Instagram.

Thank you for your attention.

#tableau #dashboard #airtable #datavisualization #database #dataintegration #figma

Inspiration: my cat

Data Source: Airtable

Made for the convenience of colleagues. And I hope it will be useful to everyone. Whether Thai people choose to use Thai numbers or Arabic numbers. Data workers like us must always be ready to deal with a wide variety of data.

#thainumbers #arabicnumbers #datatype #datapreparation #preprocessing #tableau #datavisualization #tableautip


Data Source: Google Sheets

#ค่าแรงขั้นต่ำ #tableau #datavisualization

Inspiration: facebook post from Ch7HD News

Data Source: National Statistical Office of Thailand

ขณะนี้ประเทศไทย เกิดปัญหาโรคระบาดในหมู จึงทำให้มีราคาแพงจาก supply ที่ลดลงเป็นอย่างมาก เราสามารถเห็นได้อย่างชัดเจนว่า “ราคาหมู” สวนทางกับ “ค่าแรงขั้นต่ำ” อย่างสิ้นเชิง #ราคาหมู #ค่าแรงขั้นต่ำ #tableau #datavisualization

Inspiration: facebook post from Tautology Thailand


To help make spending decisions easier. So this project happened very quickly. so that in the future it may be necessary

Inspiration: Decision Book : Fifty models for strategic thinking and all the emotions when wanting

Data Source: Mockup Data

I build this to monitor for myself and family, hopefully it will help you too. Be safe.

Inspiration: facebook post from LAO

Data Source: รายงานข้อมูล COVID-19 ในประเทศไทย

Original Article: Hope for humanity

When I publish my work I would also like to know how the response will be? And this is the summary of my Tableau Public Project.


Data Source: My Tableau Public Profile

Credit: Marc Reid

All the credit to Marc Reid(, build from his template but I want my data to refresh but his template build on local json file. so I have to build everything from scratch, chart by chart. Start From import JSON to googlesheet by Apps Script first and then inspect template workbook and then try to replicate and so on til it done. It’s end up like his design but not fully functional as his but i’m happy with it now. 🤘 This project make me learn new thing and fun. Thank you Marc 😇

It is designed to motivate for saving more and prepare our members for the crisis of the future. If anyone fails This fund will help as a cushion. Also my first “Mobile First” design.

Version: Family Layout: Desktop

Version: Personal

Layout: Mobile

Inspiration: Money Class

Data source: Not available

Yesterday, one of my musician friends He was scammed by the employer So I was inspired to analyze the band’s wages. To be educators to friends in the industry and employer therefore came out as this piece

Source Article: Post ต้นทาง Data source: LENSOD

#MakeoverMonday Project

I discovered that the more I try to do this project, The more I learn new things. That’s because many people compete. And everyone is helping others as well, it’s a great community, their work has really inspired me and I believe that practicing through this project will help me become a better Data Analyst.

It is a reproduction from andy kriebel viz, to learn what he do and practicing in tableau. feedback is welcome

Original Visualization: Twitter

Data Source: The Unofficial NBA Ref Ball Database

Credit: @owenphillips

UK Exports to EU plunge by 40% in first month since Brexit

The imposition of a new Covid lockdown resulted in the biggest monthly decline in British trade for more than 20 years. Experts said the scale of the decline in January trade was unlikely to be permanent because there was evidence companies stockpiled goods before the Brexit deadline, meaning they would not need to send as many shipments as usual in January.


DATA SOURCE: ONS - UK trade goods and services publication table 14 (expressed as £ million)

#MakeoverMonday 2020/w38: Pick up a book and read!

Social distancing, lockdowns, teleworking and tele-schooling, introduced to limit the damages by the coronavirus pandemic ravaging the European Union (EU) and the world, force most of us to spend most of our time at home. So why not make the best of it? Pick up a book and read! Let your imagination free, expand your horizons and learn something new – alone, with your children or your parents!

Buying a book is relatively affordable. The price of books in the EU is growing more slowly than the total consumer prices, as measured by the monthly Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP). Between February 2010 and February 2020, the price of books increased by 9%, compared to 14% for total consumer prices.

Source Article: Pick up a book and read! Data source: eurostat

#MakeoverMonday 2020/W36: Calories and Sugar in Cereals

ซีเรียลที่เรากินตอนเช้าๆทุกวัน ดีต่อสุขภาพจริงหรือ?

จากชาร์ทเราจะเห็นได้ชัดว่า 10อันดับสูงสุดของยี้ห้อต่างๆ มีน้ำตาลและพลังงานค่อนข้างสูงทีเดียว แต่ว่ายังมีโชคดีอยู่บ้างที่ซีเรียลเหล่านี้มี rating ไม่สูงนัก แต่ไม่ใช่ทั้งหมดจะเป็นเช่นนั้นเสมอไป มีบางยี่ห้อที่มีน้ำตาลและพลังงานสูง แต่กลับได้ rating ระดับกลางเช่นกัน ซึ่งเป็นอันดับที่ 1 และ 2 เสียด้วย จึงเป็นที่น่าเป็นห่วงต่อสุขภาพของผู้บริโภคที่เลือกซื้อซีเรียลที่มีน้ำตาลและพลังงานสูงไปรับประทาน โดยมีความเชื่อว่าดีต่อสุขภาพ ก็อาจจะส่งผลร้ายต่อสุขภาพในระยะยาว

Source Article: Breakfast Cereals: Healthy or Unhealthy? Data source: Kaggle

I start at 2020 week 33, And this is my first #MakeoverMonday project. 71% tech company in scotland based in Midlothian, Glasgow, Aberdeenshire.

Data source : Company Connecting

How to

To help friends in Tableau User Group Thailand create alerts based on their criteria. in this post

Data source : Sample Data

To help friends in Tableau User Group Thailand create EVENT ON THE LINE chart. Please download workbook to see mechanic of the chart.

Data source : Excel file in tableau workbook

Inspiration : this post

Others Dashboard

This chart tell us Who is the best Professor in thailand (in there field), Firstly you can Choose whatever Field of Study then choose Measurement. because every field of study is different, I make this visualization to fair compare in the same field. I also include some simple count of H Index and percentage in the right tab for those who curious. However H-index is not a perfect measurement, I have a plan to make it show new indicator refer to new criteria and procedure for appointing a person To hold the position of Assistant Professor Associate Professor And professor and since this new criteria and procedure is not better than previous, Industry insiders have commented that it is inappropriate to use at this time. It has been announced to postpone its enforcement for another 3 years. It’s my personal 2020 week 34, But this Viz is not for #MakeoverMonday, I makeover for a friends.

Data source : - ทำเนียบผู้ดำรงตำแหน่งทางวิชาการแห่งชาติ - Scopus Preview CSV : Github

Thank for Mr.Charin Polpanumas and Hope Data Annotations for providing raw data.

Since SEAN B share his statement(PDF) for transparecy and apologize of campaign to public Facebook post, I wonder how much money is in and out during his campaign, so I made the data in a computer-readable format. And then create this dashboard. CSILA (1m+ facebook page) found my work on internet then share it in his post This visualization is for educational purposes

data source : SEAN B PDF / cleaned data : my clean csv

We need to make more careful decisions during COVID 19. So I created this dashboard to keep track of promotion campaign. I add indicator to identify problem of actual & target (red bullet chart), cost limitation indicator is also add too (top right red line)

Data source : Not available

I want to know the health of my mom’s shop. I start collecting her data in Google sheet then clean, visualize and analyze.

Data source : Not available

to learning animation in data visualiazation. what i found is animation add dimention to analysis and it tell a story more clearly, it’s make a good sense of what is going on by time. Unfortunately tableau public server is not good at animation, to see Full potencial of animation please download workbook (Rigth-down corner button)

Data source : Our World in Data COVID-19 dataset

More Viz


DataCamp is a learning platform where I learned about data science. I am constantly learning python, SQL and I mean that by the end of 2020 I have to be able to implement machine learning. here is my DataCamp profile

DataCamp Project

They has provided a project to practice what I have learned, feel free to check it out in the link below.

Thank note

This page would not have been possible without inspiration from Mr.Charin Polpanumas. And the Data Science BKK and Data Science Th community in thailand. I appreciate the help and encouragement that everyone has given me.

Support or Contact

Most of my work is confidential. If you need more samples for the interview please contact